Friday, February 29, 2008

The Old Beer Blogs

These are the original beer blogs from when I went to Seattle in November of 2007. these can be found in their original form at my personal blog at I have added cap scores to each brew.

So I have been just outside of Seattle since Monday evening. being that there is almost nothing near my hotel I decided to visit Outback Steak house and Albertson's (the two things I can walk too) and sample a few of the regional beers.

The first I tried was from a Brewery here in Washington State, Pyramid Brewery. Pyramid brews are of average price at the package store.

Their seasonal dark ale called Snow Cap is in it's 21st year and is quite tasty. I had this Monday night after being on a 5 hour flight. Being a Texan and an Irishman I tend to drink Dark beers. this one is well balanced and has a rich after taste. The hops are clearly evident and perhaps a bit on the acidic side but it counters well with the very dark malt.

I would give Snow Cap 8 caps for type 9 for drinkability and a 7 for value over all an 8

Next from Pyramid I tried a Hefe Wiesen It is an ok Hefe though it really pops with a twist of Lemon I think Humperdink's Hefe back home in Texas is still one up on it though. It doesn't have quite the back taste of some Hefe Weizens non of the yeast and leaned more towards the flavor of a Whit beer

Cap Scores: 6 caps for type; 7 for drinkability and a 7 for value. 6.65 over all.

On to Big Sky Brewery in Montana. I saw this one in the store and had to buy some based purely on the name... Moose Drool as Brown Ales go this is as High up on my list of Beers to hunt down as a Newcastle Brownie.. in fact I might just grab the Moose Drool first if I had the cash. It has a Sweet first taste and a complex feel .. ending up in a pleasant hops nip for an after taste. .. after an autumn day work in the yard.. this is just the ticket.

Cap Scores: 8.5 on type; 9 on taste 6 on value (it was 14 bucks for a 6) over all a 7.83

Last on my list for now is Obsidian Stout from Deschutes Brewery in Oregon. What first caught my eye about this beer was the statement on the label that Deschutes Brewery uses a natural carbonation process. that is to say not killing the yeast and letting an anaerobic fermentation to produce the CO2. Guinness drought actually charges with Nitrogen rather than CO2 purely artificial from their famous widget. This beers pedigree of awards and medals speaks as well as any thing I can Say.. I add it to my My List of favorite stouts between MacKeson (my favorite) and Guinness and it might just be even with the chocolaty goodness of MacKeson.

Caps: 9 for type, 8.5 for drinkabiity and 8.5 for value (paid $9 for a six pack) Over all an 8.66

On the way home I stopped in at Seattle Taproom in Sea-Tac air port and had Alaskan Amber. This was recommended by the waitress as her most often ordered and she said it was of average cost in the store. It was also very average for an Amber. It rates strait 6's on the cap scale.
However the Reuben Sandwich at Seattle Tap Room in Sea-Tac international... worth finding if you ever fly that way.

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